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Safety Resource Library

We’ve been insuring community organizations for more than 75 years, which means we’ve picked up valuable information about helping you protect yourself, your organization and the people who depend on it. Our resource center includes a wealth of materials featuring safety and security knowledge from our experts and the industry leaders we work with.

To get started, first choose your organization type, then select from a variety of topics designed to help make your organization more secure.


Fact Sheet: Immunization Program Considerations

Because they’re regularly exposed to patients and/or infectious materials, healthcare personnel (HCP)* are considered to be at substantial...

Dangerous Habits to Kick

Distracted driving comes in many forms. Texting and driving is the most obvious distraction – and the most dangerous – but even seemingl...

Details Matter: What You Need to Know About Liability Release Forms

Your organization likely sponsors a variety of exciting activities, including trips. Ensure full participation and minimal risk in all of yo...

Should You Offer Free Wi-Fi at Church?

Most people today have at least one smart device, using them to stay connected wherever they go.  To help make this easier for consumers, m...

Managing Fundraising Risk

Created for GuideOne by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center    FACTS ABOUT FUNDRAISING Nonprofit missions often depend on succes...

Beat the Heat at Your Summer Events

As summer sets in, outdoor activities and events become a natural part of your organization’s programming. Although summer may be the be...

Why Maintenance Matters

It’s easy to overlook property maintenance for a number of reasons, including busy schedules and tight budgets. But it can also happen jus...

Take the Safe Road

One of the greatest and more devastating risks that organizations face today is the operation of vehicles for business and events. Your scho...

Protect Your School From Crime and Violence


Is Armed Security Right For Your Church?


Arming Your Staff/Security Guards

Whether to arm a security detail at your organization takes a measured and thoughtful approach. Before making the decision whether to est...

Prepare to Prevent

Active shooter incidents have become a concern for all in recent years. These incidents occur without warning and quickly progress. Although...

Assessing Your Organization’s Electrical Exposures

Over the past several months, we shared with you a series of articles on how to identify and control the electrical exposures within your ...

Why You Need a Qualified Electrician

In our previous electrical maintenance articles, we’ve mentioned the importance of hiring a qualified electrical contractor to perform mai...

How Safe is Your Playground?

With summer in full swing, your playground is probably getting a lot of use. To ensure it continues to be kid-friendly and stand up to weath...

Are These Hazards Present in Your Electrical Room?

Chances are, periodically checking your church’s electrical system doesn’t top your to-do list. It may not even make it on your list. Bu...

Spring Property Safety Check-Up

Hello, spring! As the days get warmer and longer, it’s a good idea to inspect your property and ensure it withstood winter’s harsh condi...

The Benefits of an Electrical Preventive Maintenance Program

Does your organization have a consistent Electrical Preventive Maintenance (EPM) program in place to keep the facility’s electrical system...